What is it, and how can you earn it?

Publish date: 2024-05-25

Another edition of Fortnite Winterfest 2022 offers free presents, extra limited-time quests, and themed items like Snowball Launchers. These are some of the perks that loopers enjoy every year when the holiday update hits the game.

This is also when players can get free XP across their accounts and level up faster to unlock more Battle Pass tiers than they usually would. The free XP is usually granted to them upon completion of Winterfest quests that usually award 16,000 XP after the player completes each quest. One of the ways players can also get that XP is by warming themselves up in front of the Fireplace in Cozy Lodge (Winterfest Lodge).

Ever since Winterfest began in Fortnite, players have found this to be a delightful opportunity to farm some AFK XP from the game by just keeping their game screen on while being zoomed in on the Fireplace inside Cozy Lodge. This time around, players will also have the opportunity to finally use a legitimate method to farm free XP from the Fireplace instead of illegitimate Creative XP maps.

How to get Fireplace XP at Cozy Lodge in Fortnite Winterfest 2022

Winterfest 2022 brought the famous Winterfest Lodge (now known as Cozy Lodge) into the game. Players usually visit it to open presents get free cosmetics, and complete additional limited-time quests based there. However, another reason for them to visit the lodge is to warm up by the Fireplace (with a Yule Log) and have farm-free AFK XP added to their account.

Epic has brought an incredible feature for players to zoom in on the Fireplace located in the Cozy Lodge, so it fills their monitor screen and works as a virtual fireplace as an excellent digital screensaver.

However, when players use this screen and leave it for hours to use as a digital fireplace, the game also keeps granting them AFK XP in smaller amounts ranging anywhere from 10 XP up to 5000 XP (when supercharged).

Click on the Snowflake Icon to visit Cozy Lodge in Fortnite Winterfest (Image via Sportskeeda)

To do this, all players need to do is click on the Snowflake icon on the top bar in the Fortnite menu screen and visit the Cozy Lodge. As soon as you do that, you will see the fireplace lighting up in the room's background, right below a Llama Neon sign.

Click on the Fireplace to expand the view (Image via Sportskeeda)

Hover your mouse over the fireplace until it highlights, and click on it to zoom it closer to your screen. Now that your screen fills with the fireplace, go AFK or enjoy the mellow Winterfest music playing in the background, with the sounds of a real wood burning on fire. Wait for at least 10 minutes until you start getting free Fortnite XP.

However, players should use this method when they have a supercharged XP active on their Fortnite account to get more XP than they usually would without it. Usually, a supercharged XP account might get up to 10,000 XP from the fireplace, whereas the one without it gets a maximum of 1000 XP from the sparks that fly from the burning Yule Log.

The player community is exceptionally fond of the fireplace as it gives them the experience of a natural fireplace burning, and the sounds it emits make it even more realistic.

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