Warzone 2 brings back balanced Birdseye perk in Season 3

Publish date: 2024-04-15

The Birdseye perk has finally returned to Call of Duty: Warzone 2 with the Season 3 update. The perk was previously removed from the game as it allowed users to reap the benefits of an Advanced UAV simply by using a UAV. This provided users with an unfair advantage in the game and led to a backlash from the game's community.

Keeping up with players' requests, the perk was removed ahead of the Season 2 update. However, the season has ended, and after two months of its removal, the perk has returned with slight modifications. It is currently available in the Recon perk package along with Double Time, Tracker, and Focus.

This article takes a closer look at the revamped Birdseye perk in Warzone 2.

Everything Warzone 2 players need to know about Birdseye perk

Infinity Ward recently unveiled the patch notes for Season 3 of Warzone 2, covering all the changes in the title, including weapon balances, bug fixes, and general gameplay improvements. While players were busy focusing on the game's latest additions, they missed out on one crucial point - the return of the Birdseye perk.

As for the changes to the perk in Season 3, the patch notes read the following:

Birdseye perk

The Birdseye perk reveals the direction an enemy is facing. This is displayed anytime there's a radar ping or a UAV is deployed. Previously, however, when enemies turned on their UAVs, Birdseye perk users could see the direction in which the enemies were facing.

This resulted in fans calling the perk overpowered and wanting a fix. With the latest update, it appears that the perk's issues have been addressed.

This is all there is to know about the return of the Birdseye perk in the game. However, it is yet to be seen how players will take advantage of the revamped version.

Season 3 of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 is live and available on PC (via Battle.net and Steam), Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X/S, and PlayStation 5.

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