Tom Hiddleston: Im here to tell you that my butt is not dangerous

Publish date: 2024-05-04


I still find Tom Hiddleston’s W Magazine editorial to be the funniest thing of the week. Now that I’ve had more time to process it, it’s actually even funnier to me. The thing is, I don’t doubt that Tom can be a sexy guy. But Tom needs the right conditions, and the right conditions don’t involve a brightly lit room, white boxer shorts and Zoolander poses. The editorial still seems like a satire of what a “sexy” dude photoshoot should be. Imagine Mike Meyers or Will Ferrell doing the same editorial and it would be JUST AS FUNNY.

There’s been a lot of breast-beating amongst the true-blue Dragonflies and Hiddlestoners that W Magazine did Tom wrong, that this editorial was supposed to be part of a larger profile of up-and-coming TV stars or Emmy hopefuls, maybe. Perhaps that’s the case. But that still doesn’t explain why in God’s name Tom agreed to the photoshoot. Someone needs to be fired! The editorial is the visual equivalent of Tom’s trying-too-hard Graham Norton interview. And besides that, my guess is that someone on Tom’s team had to give the go-ahead to W Mag to run this piece as an “Introduction to Taylor Swift’s Boyfriend!” article. And if that’s the case, someone should be fired.

I didn’t get around to discussing this new quote from the W piece either – Tom was asked about how AMC edited out his naked butt from the American airing of The Night Manager. Tom says:

“I was surprised to hear that they cut my butt out. I’m here to tell you that my butt is not dangerous. And there are many, many more dangerous things that people are happy to broadcast. I don’t know what that says about the world we live in, but it probably says something.”

[From W Magazine]

I watched TNM as it aired on AMC and let me tell you, I felt that edit in my soul. It’s not that I was that hungry for Hiddlesbum, it’s that the edit made it seem like Jonathan Pine and Jed’s lovemaking lasted about 30 seconds, if that.

Meanwhile, I have to say, I’ve been avoiding a lot of the “think pieces” on TIDDLES, because I do this for a living and it pains me a little bit when people write about Hiddleston or Taylor Swift without understanding their individual histories. If you’ve followed Taylor’s romantic history, nothing about TIDDLES is a surprise at all. If you’ve followed Tom’s romantic history, everything about TIDDLES is a surprise. Which brings me to this “think piece” at the NY Post – “Taylor Swift Is Dating Like A Dude.” The main argument is that Taylor: A) doesn’t apologize, B) is not afraid to air her dirty laundry and trash-talk exes, C) rolls with an entourage, and D) rebounds quickly. While I agree that Taylor is feeling herself these days, when I think of “women who date like dudes,” I think of women like Kate Hudson or even (dare I say) Gwyneth Paltrow. They own their sh-t. And most importantly, they don’t play the victim. We’re about one month away from Taylor crying to Vanity Fair that she’s being “slut shamed” because she staged photos of her romantic rendezvous with Hiddles.


Photos courtesy of Mona Kuhn/W Magazine.
