Texas Longhorns, Florida Gators, Miami Hurricanes, and more

Publish date: 2024-05-13

College football logos are an important part of the identity of teams. You’ll see it boldly crafted on the helmets, jerseys and other merchandise. Because of the popularity of college football among Americans, the logos have become a permanent part of public consciousness.

We take a look at the top 10 college football logos in this article.

#10 Oregon Ducks

march madness logo

70% Win


70% Win


70% Win


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The Oregon Ducks logo gives off a kind of energy and excitement that’s impossible to miss. One instantly recognizes the green and yellow “O” along with the wings anywhere sighted. The winged letter represents the strong aura of a duck, Oregon’s totem.

#9 Clemson Tigers

A tiger is supposed to be intimidating, which is exactly the effect the Clemson Tigers logo is expected to have on their opponents. It features a tiger paw dipped in orange and trimmed with white. You know anywhere you see this that the dominant Clemson Tigers are lurking around.

#8 Ohio State Buckeyes

The block letter “O”, the buckeye leaf and the scarlet and gray colors. The way these are all brought together in a simple but classic iconic representation of Ohio State football is something to ponder on. One thing about it: it stands out in any crowd of college football logos.

#7 USC Trojans

Trojans are a warrior race. And nothing says that louder than the cardinal and gold Trojan helmet seen on the logo of the USC Trojans. This means only one thing: they are here for battle. And what better describes the clash between two teams on the gridiron? So get ready when you see the Trojan banner flying.

#6 Alabama Crimson Tide

The most impressive thing about the Alabama Crimson Tide logo is actually its simplicity. A crimson letter “A” that is slant as though bent by a flowing tide and a white trim all over it. The Alabama football team is a tide that sweeps their opponent and this is beautifully captured in the logo.

#5 Michigan Wolverines

The most appealing thing about the Wolverines logo, perhaps, is its color scheme. The maize and blue colors of Michigan are so appealing to the sight and make up for the rather sturdy block “M” that represents Michigan.

#4 Notre Dame Fighting Irish

You can tell from their name that this is a team bringing the fight to you. But it becomes more vivid when you see the logo. The blue and gold featured in the design speaks to the rich history of the school while the Leprechaun with clenched fist facing up speaks to their notoriety and readiness to fight. Don’t say you weren’t warned.

#3 Miami Hurricanes

The Hurricanes’ logo was designed as a perfect way to envision the team’s name. The letter “U”, green and orange color and the warning flag are all pointing to a single message, this team of Hurricanes will sweep you off.

#2 Florida Gators

Hardly anyone wants to be caught in a battle with an alligator. The fierce-looking alligator on the Gators’ logo is there to remind their opponents exactly what they are getting into. The blue and orange colors in the background complete, what is easily, in any top 10 college football logos conversation.

#1 Texas Longhorns

You’d notice a longhorn even from a long distance. So will you notice the Texas Longhorns logo too because that’s exactly what’s on it. This is easily one of the most iconic college football logos and we just couldn’t resist putting it on our list as number one.

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