Katherine Heigl: I absolutely owe anyone an apology I unwittingly offended

Publish date: 2024-05-02


Kitty litter spokeswoman Katherine Heigl would like to explain why she shouldn’t have said all of the terrible things she’s said. Heigl appeared on Howard Stern’s show on Wednesday – perhaps to shill kitty litter? – and she and Stern ended up getting into EVERYTHING. It would involve about a million links, so perhaps it’s best to glance through our Heigl archives from the past, say, seven years. Or more. She’s been a pill for the better part of a decade and there are dozens of instances of her unpleasant attitude, diva behavior and general sourness. And what’s funny is that Howard Stern basically asked her about all of it.

On criticizing Knocked Up after it made her a star: “That was dumb. I liked the movie a lot. I just didn’t like me. She was kind of like, she was so judgmental and kind of uptight and controlling and all these things and I really went with it while we were doing it, and a lot of it, Judd allows everyone to be very free and improvise and whatever and afterwards, I was like, ‘Why is that where I went with this? What an a–hole she is!’ It was, again, one of those situations, it was a huge opportunity for me. I was being interviewed for Vanity Fair. Like, I was on the cover of Vanity Fair, it was a huge big deal for me. And the journalist…just said, ‘You know a lot of women felt it was a little sexist’ so then I felt obligated to answer that and so I tried in my very sort of ungracious way to answer why I felt that it maybe was a little.”

She admits she didn’t even call Judd Apatow to apologize: “I probably should’ve [called them]. But what I did was very, I did it publicly instead and kind of tried to say, look, this was not what I meant and this was an incredible experience for me and they were incredibly good to me on this movie, so I did not mean to s–t on them at all. I’ve thought about like, writing a note. I feel embarrassed. I don’t want it to feel insincere on any level.”

Why she announced that she was withdrawing her name from Emmy consideration in 2008: “I didn’t feel good about my performance. There was a part of me that thought, because I had won the year before, that I needed juicy, dramatic, emotional material and I just didn’t have that that season… I went in [to speak to Shonda Rhimes] ’cause I was really embarrassed. So I went in to Shonda and said, ‘I’m so sorry. That wasn’t cool. I should not have said that’…I shouldn’t have said anything publicly but at the time, I didn’t think anybody would notice. I didn’t know that journalists would see who submitted and who didn’t. I just quietly didn’t submit and then it became a story and then I felt I was obligated to make my statement and ‘shut up, Katie.'”

She owes apologies to a lot of people: “I absolutely owe anyone an apology I unwittingly offended or disrespected. I get it. It was an immature dumbass moment.”

She started going to therapy: “I started going because of the scrutiny – and I was not handling it well. I was feeling completely like the biggest piece of s— on the bottom of your shoe. I was really struggling with it and how to not take it all really personally.”

She found herself acting timidly on sets: “I was like, ‘This is nonsense. Stop it. Get some help and own your voice.’ “

[From E! News and People]

Just my opinion: she’s still full of sh-t. You can hear the bullsh-t and lies and inadvertent truths dripping off these quotes. “…That I needed juicy, dramatic, emotional material and I just didn’t have that that season…” Meaning she still feels like she was fundamentally justified for throwing the writers under the bus. Meaning she still feels like her material was sub-par and it was her duty to say so publicly. And then: “I’ve thought about like, writing a note. I feel embarrassed. I don’t want it to feel insincere on any level.” Why would it be “insincere,” Heigl? Because you would just be apologizing with an eye-roll? Because she’s still pissed off that people are still disgusted by how many times she “unwittingly” offended and disrespected them.


Photos courtesy of WENN.
