Juan Martin del Potro reunites with compatriot Gabriela Sabatini on the tennis court

Publish date: 2024-05-03

Juan Martin del Potro recently reunited with fellow Argentine tennis player Gabriela Sabatini. On Wednesday, May 3, Sabatini took to social media to share a delightful picture of herself and Del Potro on court.

"Fancy training," Sabatini tweeted.

Juan Martin del Potro shared the same picture on Twitter and wrote "Gaby" along with a heart hand emoji.

Juan Martin del Potro fancies last match at US Open 2023

Juan Martin del Potro at the 2018 US Open

Juan Martin del Potro has expressed his desire to make a comeback at the 2023 US Open. The Argentine hopes to play the final match of his professional tennis career there, despite having unofficially retired in 2022.

Del Potro achieved his biggest victory in New York when he won the 2009 US Open. He defeated 22-time Grand Slam champion Rafael Nadal 6-2, 6-2, 6-2 in the semifinal of that tournament, his biggest win at the time.

In the summit clash, the Argentine faced Swiss legend Roger Federer. It was a thrilling five-set match, with Del Potro ultimately winning 3-6, 7-6(5), 4-6, 7-6(4), 6-2.

After struggling with numerous injuries and enduring significant pain over the past few years, Del Potro's last appearance came at the 2022 Argentina Open. He suffered a 6-1, 6-3 defeat at the hands of his fellow countryman Federico Delbonis in the Round of 32 tie.

The emotional toll of the loss was evident as he broke down in tears and even hinted at retirement.

Last month, however, the 34-year-old expressed his desire to return to training and give himself a chance to compete in the final Major of the season. Speaking to The Associated Press, Del Potro remarked that he was going to work hard "for the last time" and leave his fate up to God.

"My goal is to be ready to play an official match in the tournament," del Potro said. "I don't know if I will be 100% or not but, at least, if my last tennis match ever has to be this year, I want it to be at the US Open. I will work hard for the last time, maybe, in my career, and then you never know. God will decide if I'm ready or not."

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