Is Zelina Vega related to Savio Vega? What you must know

Publish date: 2024-04-13

Zelina Vega and Savio Vega are two Puerto Rican wrestlers who were among the highlights of WWE Backlash 2023. While the latter ran a crucial interference in Bad Bunny's Street Fight against Damian Priest, Zelina made a valiant effort against SmackDown Women's Champion Rhea Ripley. Both stars garnered massive ovations from the crowd.

WWE legend Savio Vega is mostly known for his run with the Nation of Domination. He didn't win a championship in his stint with the promotion but was influential in the success of other stars. He shared the ring with The Undertaker, The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, and others. Speaking of Zelina Vega, she is a former Women's Tag Team Champion steadily climbing her way to the top.

Is Zelina Vega related to Savio Vega? Due to their surnames, fans often mistake them to be related. However, that is not the case. Zelina's real name is Thea, and she hails from the Trinidad family. Her father is the late Michael Trinidad, and her mother is Monique Ferrer. As for Savio Vega, his real name is Juan Rivera. Not much is known about his family life.

One thing that does connect Savio Vega and Zelina Vega is their passion for wrestling. Following her father's death in the 9/11 terror attacks, Zelina strived to be a WWE Superstar to honor her late father, as he was the one who fueled her love for the sport. Meanwhile, Savio got motivated to be a part of the ring after serving as a security guard for World Wrestling Council.

Zelina Vega is now a member of the Latino World Order

Besides being an in-ring competitor, Vega was the manager of Legado Del Fantasma at the beginning of 2023. The faction feuded with Hit Row for some time until turning face in March. Rey Mysterio needed backup in his feud against The Judgment Day, so he resurrected the iconic Latino World Order, which incorporated Legado Del Fantasma.

Lucha legend Rey Mysterio has been an inspiration for Zelina Vega since her childhood. Teaming with him was a dream come true for the former Queen's Crown winner. During an interview with Ryan Satin on the Out of Character podcast, the 'fangirl' Zelina revealed more about her love for Rey.

“Since watching him as a kid, Halloween Havoc '97, him and Eddie [Guerrero], that was the match that got me go, ‘I want to do this.’ It’s crazy to go from that point to meeting him as a chubby little fangirl at 15, and then now, to be working with him, alongside him at WrestleMania, I feel like there’s no better storybook than that."

Given her commendable performance at WWE Backlash, Zelina Vega could continue to pursue the women's championship in the coming months.

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