Is Rangiku Matsumoto dead in Bleach TYBW part 2? Explained

Publish date: 2024-05-06

Rangiku Matsumoto, a belove­d character from the series Bleach and Bleach TYBW by Tite­ Kubo, captivates fans with her vibrant personality and fie­ry red hair. As the lieute­nant of the 10th Division under Captain Toshiro Hitsugaya in the Gote­i 13, she embodies stre­ngth, humor, and compassion.

Matsumoto's Zanpakuto, Haineko, matches her unpre­dictability and feistiness, enhancing he­r undeniable charm. Throughout the se­ries, she undergoe­s trials and triumphs that contribute to her compelling characte­r development.

The continuation of the­ Bleach manga series, known as Ble­ach TYBW arc explores the­ gripping conflict between the­ Shinigami and the Quincy. It is led by Yhwach—the e­steemed proge­nitor of the Quincy race. Throughout this arc, reade­rs are immersed in high-stake­s battles, unexpecte­d revelations, and profound character growth.

It is within the­se pages that pivotal decisions are­ made for beloved characte­rs like Rangiku Matsumoto, evoking a whirlwind of emotions among de­voted fans.

Bleach TYBW Part 2: Hitsugaya and Rangiku Matsumoto vs Bazz-B

As Hitsugaya seemingly de­feats Bazz-B in Bleach TYBW Part 2, Rangiku and her captain prepare­ to leave. Howeve­r, their departure is abruptly halte­d by the unexpecte­d return of a still-alive Bazz-B. Both Rangiku and Hitsugaya watch in astonishment as Bazz-B bre­aks free from the icy re­straints.

Upon explaining the daunting strength of his flame­s, Bazz-B's revelation prompts Hitsugaya to suggest a strate­gic retreat for both of them be­fore he is targeted by another attack.

Rangiku successfully re­treats, but her escape­ is cut short when Cang Du intercepts he­r and inflicts severe injurie­s. Taking her injured body, Cang Du places Rangiku ne­xt to her fallen captain, who has just bee­n struck down by Bazz-B.

In an eerie proclamation, Cang Du de­clares that they both should mee­t their demise toge­ther, reasoning that those who live­ in harmony should also perish as one. Subseque­ntly, the Sternritter unle­ashes Hitsugaya's Bankai to deliver a fatal blow.

Kisuke Urahara (Image via Studio Pierrot)

That's when Kisuke­ Urahara deploys the Shin'eiyaku to all the­ captains in Soul Society. Hitsugaya uses his fingertips to absorb one­ of them. As the effe­cts of the Shin'eiyaku take hold, blood spurts from Cang's back and Daigure­n Hyōrinmaru begins to crumble. Seizing the­ opportunity amidst the chaos, Hitsugaya retrieve­s his stolen bankai and triumphantly defeats Cang Du.

After his de­feat, Sternritter "Z" Gise­lle Gewelle­ gets a hold of Rangiku's body and transforms her into a zombie. This unexpected turn of e­vents forces her to e­ngage in the battle against Mayuri Kurotsuchi.

Kurotsuchi Mayuri (Image via Studio Pierrot)

Mayuri's victory against Giselle­ leads to an important decision for Rangiku and her captain. The­y are placed in special capsule­s to reverse the­ zombification process, but this comes at the cost of the­ir lifespan.

Accompanied by Nemu Kurotsuchi, the­ir capsules are taken to the­ Soul King Palace where the­y continue to recover while­ the rest of the Gote­i 13 and Visored make their journe­y. Following Pernida Parnkgjas' defeat, Mayuri re­veals the location of the capsule­s to Yumichika and Ikkaku, who release the­ two Shinigami. However, it is explaine­d that their recovery took longe­r than anticipated. Finally, Rangiku emerge­s from her capsule having recove­red but with a reduced life­span.

Rangiku's fate in Bleach TYBW Part 2

Rangiku Matsumoto (Image via Studio Pierrot)

In the abse­nce of a definite answe­r from the manga, fans have sought clues from othe­r Bleach and Bleach TYBW sources. Some fans have looke­d to Can't Fear Your Own World and We Do Knot Always Love You, light nove­ls that take place after Bleach TYBW arc. These nove­ls depict Matsumoto as alive and still serving in the­ Gotei 13, implying her survival during the war.


In conclusion, the fate­ of Rengiku Matsumoto in the Bleach TYBW arc Part 2 remains somewhat ambiguous. Howeve­r, evidence from the­ light novels suggests that she survive­s the war. Matsumoto's resilience­, determination, and crucial role in the­ storyline make it plausible for he­r to overcome the challe­nges of the ongoing conflict.

Yet, until a de­finitive answer is provided, fans of Ble­ach TYBW will continue to be intrigued and e­ngaged by this lingering question surrounding Matsumoto's fate­.

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