Five of the Most Entertaining Taylor Swift Twitter Feuds

Publish date: 2024-04-20

taylor swift

Taylor Swift has been in the business for more than a decade now, and she came on the scene a young girl with a big dream. The world immediately fell in love with Taylor Swift and her sweet personality and her good girl ways, but it seems that her own little world is crashing in around her. She’s exceptionally famous, exceptionally wealthy and she has a squad and the kind of fun that makes pretty much everyone in the entire world envious of her – and wanting to be her best friend. However, over the years there have been a few rumors here and there.

Someone has something negative to say about her, and she squashes the rumor and it’s over. Someone might not like her, then she goes out and does something really amazing and the world is in love with her again. It’s as if she can do no wrong. I adore her, and I adore her music. However, it seems that things are crashing around her in 2016, and we wonder how she will overcome it. Right now she’s simply not responding to the negativity. She’s moving on, ignoring it and not stooping to the levels of others. That does not mean, however, that the rest of the famous faces mad at her right now aren’t engaging in their own twitter war. What we love about it is that these twitter feuds are about Taylor Swift, yet she actually has not responded to any of them in any way. In fact, the people mad at her are pretty much feuding on twitter in a one-sided feud with themselves and Taylor’s fans.

It makes for entertaining internet fodder. We thought we might see who all is engaging in the best twitter feuds that they wish Taylor Swift would become involved in. She probably won’t but if she wants to, these fans and these stars are looking for her to break her silence and engage.

Kim Kardashian

She’s just waiting for T.Swift to come back at her following her release of a SnapChat video of their whole song issue with Kayne. She’s tweeting about it, instagramming about it and doing anything she can to defend her man and fuel the fire. Taylor has yet to respond.

Nicki Minaj

She’s a talented rapper, that’s for sure. However, she seems to have a big problem with pretty much everyone in the world. She attacked Swift on twitter not too long ago, and it was for something that was cannot even remember. I mean, that’s how unimportant it really was.

Calvin Harris

He cannot seem to let go of his ex and move on. He attacked her recently on twitter telling her to get a life and live her own life and leave him alone and let him take credit for his music on his own. It was ugly, but it only made him look bad when she did not respond.

Kanye West

He’s been attacking her regularly since she beat out Beyonce and he stole her acceptance speech. He likes to think that she made him look bad, but we all know that he made himself look bad. Things have never been the same since, and we are just waiting for him to lose it. He is, after all, a little crazy.

Khloe Kardashian

She didn’t directly attack Taylor, but she did attack some of her friends after they stood up for her. Now she’s involved for standing up for her sister and her brother-in-law. When will it end? Can’t we all just get along?

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