Boy, age 4, fighting for his life after mirror falls on him in freak accident at great-grandparents'

Publish date: 2024-06-02

A BOY of four was fighting for his life last night after a freak accident at his great-grandparents’ house.

He was cut when a large mirror fell on him while he was at the home of his elderly ­relatives.

It is believed that an artery in his leg may have been pierced in the incident and his heart had to be restarted twice by ­ambulance paramedics.

The shocking incident took place on Tuesday afternoon at the terraced house in Nimmo Avenue, Perth.

A neighbour, who asked not to be named, said: “It all happened so quickly. I saw them bring him out – he was floppy and looked lifeless. They were working on him for some time in the back of the ambulance before they took off.

“We heard that a large mirror fell on him and cut him really badly.

“He was bleeding very heavily from a wound in his leg – it must have been an artery to be that serious.”

The boy was taken first to Ninewells Hospital in Dundee, then transferred to Edinburgh’s Royal Hospital for Sick ­Children. His condition was last night described as serious but stable.

The neighbour said one of the ­great-grandparents, aged 79 and 81, needed treatment shortly after the accident.

They added: “The couple are fantastic and dote on all the kids and relatives that visit them. They are lovely and it is tragic that something like this has happened in their home.”

The great-grandparents didn’t want to comment yesterday.

A Police Scotland spokeswoman said: “There are no apparent suspicious circumstances at this time. Inquiries into the incident are ongoing and officers are communicating closely with the family.”

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