Billie Eilish sparks controversy online by claiming "girls are nice"

Publish date: 2024-05-17

Billie Eilish began trending online after her comments about men in the latest Power of Women issue of Variety magazine went viral. Eilish claimed that "nobody ever says a thing about men's bodies" and that "girls are nice" because they saw people for who they were.

The artist's interview did not sit well with netizens, who stated that she was lying and claimed that she did not know anything about men's issues. Netizens pointed out that men also face body image issues and that not all girls are nice. Several individuals took to X (formerly known as Twitter) to share their views about the latest interview.

Netizens were annoyed with Billie Eilish (Image via X/@PopBase)

Netizens label Billie Eilish's comments as "tone deaf"

Billie Eilish featured on the cover of the latest Power of Women issue of Variety magazine published on November 13, 2023. The singer was interviewed by Katcy Stephan and spoke extensively about body image issues and what it's like to be a "young woman in the public eye."

Billie Eilish confronted the constant media frenzy surrounding her body and shed light on some of the comments she received about her choice of clothing. She remarked that every time she wore anything revealing, people would say, "But you didn't want people to s*xualize you?" She lashed out against the remarks and said:

"I’m literally a being that is s*xual sometimes. F**k you!"

She then went on to speak about the differences she saw when it came to the public perception of body image for men and women. Variety quoted the young singer, who said:

"Nobody ever says a thing about men’s bodies."

She added:

"If you’re muscular, cool. If you’re not, cool. If you’re rail thin, cool. If you have a dad bod, cool. If you’re pudgy, love it! Everybody’s happy with it. You know why? Because girls are nice. They don’t give a f**k because we see people for who they are!"

These comments did not sit well with a majority of netizens, who felt like the singer was "tone deaf." Social media users took to the comments section of @PopBase's Twitter post to react to the singer's latest interview.

Some people felt like Eilish had never had any social interactions while others lambasted her for being a liar. A few people even provided examples of when men were ridiculed for their bodies.

However, Billie did manage to win the approval of a few social media users, who agreed with her and pointed fingers at men for discriminating against women.

Netizens criticized Eilish's comments (Image via X/@pleasestopppfr)
Netizens criticized Eilish's comments (Image via X/@venkatesh_koka)
Netizens criticized Eilish's comments (Image via X/@PopThirstAlert)
Netizens criticized Eilish's comments (Image via X/)
Netizens criticized Eilish's comments (Image via X/)
Netizens criticized Eilish's comments (Image via X/)
Netizens criticized Eilish's comments (Image via X/TechWhirlUlt)
A few netizens supported Eilish (Image via X/@Blockchain_Buds)
A few netizens supported Eilish (Image via X/@repmiIas)
A few netizens supported Eilish (Image via X/@arianaunext)
A few netizens supported Eilish (Image via X/@arianaunext)

In another section of the interview, Billie revealed that she's never "felt like a girl." She stated that she never felt "feminine" and could not relate to girls very well. However, she said that she loves them and mentioned:

"I love them so much. I love them as people. I’m attracted to them as people. I’m attracted to them for real."

Billie Eilish further elaborated and said that she is "physically attracted to them" but is also "intimidated" by their beauty and presence.

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