5 key details about Kevin Mengels murder

Publish date: 2024-04-25

Kevin Mengel Jr., the 33-year-old husband to Morgan Mengel, lost his life over his wife's affair with a young man in 2010. Morgan Mengel and Stephen Shappell, the lovers, had decided to kill Kevin Mengel and the two carried out their plan on June 17, 2010.

Kevin was reported missing to the West Goshen police by his mother, Kathleen Barton, on June 20, 2010, after he missed a Father's Day gathering and remained at large.

To make matters worse, the texts sent from Kevin's phone to reassure his loved ones seemed dicey owing to the communication style used. As the investigation in the Kevin Mengel murder case progressed, details of the murder surfaced that sent chills down the spines of the Mengel family.

The Dateline: Secrets Uncovered season 8, episode 3 aims to explore the murder as the synopsis reads,

"Kevin and Morgan Mengel are happy at first, but when the marriage goes bad, he goes missing; police wonder if he simply left, but a family's relentless pursuit leads to a stunning confrontation and, eventually, the truth."

Five chilling details about Kevin Mengel's murder

1) Morgan was having an affair with Stephen Shappell

Shortly after Kevin Mengel allegedly walked out on his wife and three children, Kevin's family noticed Stephen Shappell almost moved in with the Mengels at their home. The couple was seen holding hands at the public pool in the apartment complex and the behaviour raised eyebrows.

Stephen Shappell (Image via Daily Local)

Stephen Shappell, the 21-year-old employee at MKB Landscaping, was brought in for questioning by the police on June 24, 2010, when he admitted to having an affair with Morgan Marie Mengel. However, Morgan dismissed the allegations saying that her children insisted Uncle Stephen be around as they missed their father.

2) Morgan faked Kevin's social media posts and texts

Following Kevin's disappearance, Morgan tried her best to mislead the family by keeping his social media accounts and cell phone active. She sent texts guised as Kevin's replies to messages from his family checking in on him.

Kevin's texts asked for some time alone saying that he did not want to be disturbed at that moment. Morgan assured the family of his well-being too. A Facebook post that was made from Kevin's account raised suspicion as it was made from a computer. Kevin Mengel used to post from his phone.

3) Morgan and Stephen poisoned Kevin's Snapple

As per the original murder plan, Morgan and Stephen had researched ways to carry out a murder and narrowed their plan of action down to concentrated nicotine. As Stephen prepared the poison in his kitchen overnight, the duo had it mixed in Stephen's favorite drink - Snapple.

The next morning Stephen observed Kevin take sips from his iced tea but the poison took time to show its effects leading him to land blows with a shovel at the back of Kevin's head in his workshop.

4) Kevin Mengel was buried behind a high school in a shallow grave

Kevin Mengel was murdered at MKB Landscaping Co. shop on West Chester Pike in West Goshen and his body was kept in a garage bay. The body was then buried behind Stephen Michael Shappell's school, Marple-Newtown High School in Delaware County.

Kevin Mengel's grave (Image via the Times)

Kevin Mengel was buried in a shallow grave.

5) Morgan Mengel tried to frame Stephen during their trial

Morgan Mengel had initially tried to frame Stephen for the murder of her husband. As their text messages revealed her to be the real perpetrator in the case, she made another attempt to dissuade Stephen from testifying against her. As Stephen sat behind bars awaiting trial, Morgan sent him a letter stating that she had delivered his twins in jail.

A still of Morgan Mengel (Image via The Mercury)

However, police later confirmed and informed Stephen that there were no twins at all and it was a lie made up by Morgan.

Catch the episode titled Toxic on November 14, 2023, at 9 p.m. ET on Oxygen.

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